Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We woke up really early today to attend their assembly.

The pupils then proceeded to class. We were all immediately impressed with their strong command of the Chinese language. What they are learning in P5 is comparable to what we learn for Sec Higher Chinese!

A few shots of pupils with their buddies.

After lunch, we went for yet another sight-seeing tour - Weifang.

First stop, the kite museum. We learnt about the history of kites and were in awe at the intricacies of kite-making! There's actually a International Kite Festival where kites as heavy as 80kg are flown!

After that, we went to the Yang Jia Bu to see the making of kites and chinese prints. We never knew that kite-making was THAT difficult and tedious.

Children getting a hands-on session with the shifu of Chinese Prints.

At night we also had a short party after ur reflection session. Wheee....

1 comment:

@ said...

Someone had better teach me how to make those magnificient kites! WOW!